We call this extra long length shoehorn the peacemaker because it comes with a handled that is a handcrafted replica of a holstered gun. Keep the peace through implied force! The gun shaped handle has an easy grip design. The extra long reach of twenty nine inches will make it easy to slip your feet into your loafers while sparing your back and fingers from damage. A hanging loop allows for easy storage.
- Long reach shoehorn with handgun design at the top
- Chain link hanging loop
- Length: 29"
- Satisfaction & Performance Guarantee
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of Reviewers
Fun and functional shoe horn.
By Merritt
from Santa Fe, NM
on January 26, 2022
This was the only shoe horn I could find anywhere online that had a gun on it's head. Its well made, fun, and functional.
Great Workmanship
from VA
on December 14, 2017
The person receiving this gift was delighted by the look and feel of this item. Not a cheaply made foreign import, and fair price!